रविवार, 14 नवंबर 2021

Remove the evils and Give us goodness.

 Om vishvani deva savitar duritani para suva । Yad bhadram tan na aa suva ।। 

-yajurveda 30/3


savitah  = O Procreator and Impeller of all,

deva      = Self radiant God! .paraa suva = dispel . visvaani = all. duritaani = vices and afflictions from us .Aa suva = Bestow 

nah = upon us .tat = that .yat = what. bhadram = is beneficial.

Purport -

O Self-luminous God! thou art the producer of the universe.Every creature receives inspiration from there. we beseech thee to dispel our evils and miseries. May we acquire all the virtues through  thy Greece.

Give what is good and take away what is bad.

One does not become virtuous by removing evil.

duritani  plural

bhadram singular 

vishvani duritani

The words Dev and Savita have been kept with a special meaning.

Whether he has the item from which he is asking or not. Because even a fool does not buy a mobile by going to the confectionery shop.

And even if the thing is his, but will he give it by asking.

The word Deva tells that God has everything.

The meaning of the word Savita is that even if I do not have a single quality, but you are my father and I am your son /daughter, therefore I can ask from you. A father cannot say to an unworthy child that you are not my child.  No one hesitates while daring to ask the father.

The Other Secret of the Singularity in Bhadra.

Second sense of the word Dev and Savita

The word Savita means to inspire, to push, to eject, to drive away.famous meaning of  the word Deva is the sense of giving.

1- Remove the evils 2- Give us goodness.  There is a prayer to give away in half a mantra and a prayer to give something in a mantra. Therefore, both types of names of God are in this mantra.

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

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सर्वा आशा मम मित्रं भवन्तु

स्मृति और कल्पना

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